Prior to conducting market research, in-depth meetings are held between ExportUSA and the company in order to understand the brand’s positioning within its domestic market, the sales strategy used up to that point, and the objectives for the American market.
Initial BriefingMarket research not only lets the company know if the product is salable in the United States, but also how much to sell it for, how to sell it, and who to sell it to. This is fundamental information for calibrating one’s investments in product, communication, and promotion.
Is market research really worth doing?Trade shows are an excellent tool for doing business in the United States. Presenting oneself before buyers without knowing who one’s competitors are, if one’s prices are competitive, and where to insert them demonstrates a lack of professionalism and could result in losing an opportunity to sell.
Can I participate in a trade show instead of doing market research?We analyze the products, identifying customs codes and the impact of duties on exports to the American market. We calculate the impact of logistics in various shipping scenarios and create an export catalogue with Incoterm, which the client expects to use for purchase.
Creation of Export CatalogueIt’s not easy to convince importers or distributors to make time to evaluate new products from a foreign company that the market has never heard of. When you manage to, it’s essential to present them with a professional summary of your product’s position, something which only market research can generate.
Can I present my product to importers without first conducting market research?We verify the company’s value, volume, and aggregate and per-category growth rates. We identify the primary and innovative B2B and B2C sales channels. We identify sources of opportunity or threat specific to the American market.
Market AnalysisWe segment the target customers according to geo-demographic variables, purchasing habits, and drivers of demand. We advise the company on how to align with the values and the information / purchasing channels of its American customers.
Customer SegmentationWe advise the company on how to regularize its products in order to legally sell them in the United States.
Analysis of ComplianceWe identify direct American and international competitors that are already present in the market. We analyze their price points, the sales channels that they use, and their communication style in order to suggest differentiation strategies and ideas for claiming space.
Analysis of CompetitionWe put together a map of the stages of commercial development that describes how to go about entering the American market and achieve the identified sales and profit objectives.
Mapping of DevelopmentWe get in touch with the market representatives among our contacts, like importers, distributers, agents, showrooms, members of industry associations, etc., in order to verify the selling potential of the company’s specific product, perhaps providing a sample.
Feedback on Salability