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The last step for exporting cosmetics to the United States is the label review

This is essential to ensure that the product labels comply with the FDA regulations

In America, cosmetic products are subject to FDA labelling requirements

Exporters must ensure that the labels they use are suitable, so that the goods can easily be imported and are not blocked at customs

Label review for cosmetic products

The labelling rules are very precise and often technical. Generally speaking, all labels must contain the following elements:

On the Principal Display Panel

In the information panel on the label

Preparing the labels correctly is extremely important and, in view of the level of competence required, the FDA itself recommends that exporters use an expert consultant to ensure that the cosmetics are compliant: ExportUSA New York Corp. offers this type of service to companies wishing to export cosmetic products to the United States.

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FDA Compliance
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FDA Compliance

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