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Course on selling in America: Learn the most effective sales techniques for the American market

How to sell in America? 26 years of sales experience in the USA at the disposal of Export Managers and European companies that want to enter the American market

Course for learning how to sell in America

Selling in America is different from selling in Europe or other parts of the world: with ExportUSA you can learn the most effective techniques and approach

ExportUSA has practical experience of selling in the USA: we started selling directly to America over 20 years ago. Our course on how to sell in the USA is the result of this practical experience and it is just as practical

"Selling in the USA" is ExportUSA's sales course for anyone who needs to:

Objectives of the "Selling in the USA" sales course

You will learn a method and the most effective sales techniques to use in America. Techniques and methods proven by years of experience accrued by a company that has been working directly in the American market for years

How many times have you wondered:

If you've ever asked yourself these questions then this ExportUSA course is for you. The aim of the course is to equip you with a method and sales techniques that work in America, with potential American importers, agents or customers. The techniques and methods are not theoretical but extremely practical, the result of decades of direct sales experience in the American market.

Contents of the "Selling in the USA" sales course

What you will learn during this ExportUSA course


The first part of the course deals with aspects which are not directly related to selling but which are crucial to understanding how to sell effectively. The cultural aspect is fundamental to closing deals.


Where you learn the most effective sales techniques for selling in America.

On this page we have obviously described the course topics in brief. Each topic then has its own detailed program. The course also includes a series of practical exercises.

How the "Selling in the USA" course is run

Maximum flexibility in course delivery to meet the needs of each company

The ExportUSA course can be delivered in different ways:

A range of services to help you set up your sales activities in America are included in the "Selling in the USA" course

How we help you after the course

Whatever the delivery method, the "Selling in the USA" course also includes the following activities for your benefit:

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Opening a company in the USA
Export Services

Opening a company in the USA

ExportUSA opens US incorporated companies in all of the United States. We can open both LLCs and corporations
