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For the renewal of the FDA registration [by 31 December 2020] you now also need to apply for a DUNS number

Since 2010, it is mandatory to renew the FDA registration to import food products into the United States of America. The FDA registration must be renewed every two years. The FDA number does not change after renewal

New requirements for the 2020 renewal: the application for a DUNS number - Data Universal Numbering System

Starting this year, to renew your FDA registration you must first obtain a DUNS, a unique company identification number

The fastest way to get a DUNS is to submit your application to Dun&Bradstreet, a US company that has been managing DUNS for years. Once the application has been submitted, it can take several weeks to receive a DUNS, but the FDA registration can proceed without one. In this case, you have 90 days to receive the DUNS and notify the FDA to confirm the registration.

Renewing the FDA registration for selling food in America

In order to export food to the United States, it is necessary to renew your FDA registration

Renewing the FDA registration is mandatory in order to export food products and specialties to the United States of America

Since 2010, the Food and Drug Administration has introduced the requirement to renew an FDA registration.

Previously, an FDA registration never expired. With the introduction of the "Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)" of 2010, however, the FDA has made it mandatory to renew the registration every two years, in even years [2014, 2016, 2018, etc.] for companies to continue exporting food and beverage product to the United States.

Once a registration has been renewed, it is necessary to notify any changes to the record of the exporting company within 60 days.

For the companies for which we serve as FDA-related Agent, the renewal of the registration is free.

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FDA Compliance
Export Services

FDA Compliance

ExportUSA takes care of ensuring that your products adhere to FDA standards. We make sure that all food products, cosmetics, medical devices, and dietary supplements comply with FDA regulations.
