2025-02-10 00:00:00
Duties: The news for importing to America
U.S. Duties: The changes in customs classification of goods to be imported to America
https://www.exportusa.eu/news-about-duties-united-states.phpIt is illegal in the United States to import goods made with slave labor, and for products coming from the region of Xinjiang (China), import rules are about to become even stricter. The measure against forced labor signed by President Biden aims to hold companies active in the U.S. market accountable at all levels of the supply chain: soon, in fact, those exporting goods from China will have to prove that they do not use forced labor before importing the goods into the United States.
The supply chains of energy, textile, and agricultural companies have been subjected to numerous audits, and these sectors are working to eliminate all traces of forced labor. Xinjiang produces one-fifth of worldwide cotton and 45% of essential material for making solar panels and is also a major supplier of coal, oil, gold, and aluminum. This means that many companies involved in importing and selling to the U.S. will need to check for possible ties to the Xinjiang region to have a transparent and compliant supply chain.
The UFLPA (Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act) will go into effect on June 21, 2022. You can read the full English-language version of the bill here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1155/text
The U.S. government is strategizing to support the implementation of a law that will effectively ban the import of a considerable amount of products from China into the U.S. market. Specifically, those who import from China to sell in the United States will have to follow guidelines regarding:
The presumption that the importing company violates the law against forced labor can be overcome if the CBP (Customs and Border Protection) determines that:
If the U.S. Customs presumption is overcome, the goods can be imported into the United States.
U.S. Duties: The changes in customs classification of goods to be imported to America
https://www.exportusa.eu/news-about-duties-united-states.phpExportUSA offers all logistics services for the United States. We have a warehouse in Ohio that we make available to our clients
https://www.exportusa.eu/logistics-services-exportusa.phpExportUSA customs counseling for importing goods to the United States through proper customs planning. Importing into the U.S. by taking advantage of the duty advantage offered by the First Sale Rule could be a good solution for companies with production in China!