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The Snack Industry in Crisis: In America, Replaced by New Alternatives

A Decline in Sales in the Potato Chip Sector

New Specialty Foods Emerge to Satisfy the Dietary Preferences of American Millennials

In recent years, there has been a significant decline in sales of classic snacks in the USA, particularly potato chips. The availability of products from all across the world, coupled with healthier eating habits has resulted in this sector experiencing a drastic drop in sales and profits. The traditional bagged potato chip is now outdated, replaced by new, healthier snacks made from pure, natural ingredients and produced sustainably. This shift in the snack sector highlights a profound change, not only in eating habits but also in the lifestyle of Americans.

The New Eating Habits of Millennials in the USA as a Catalyst for Change

A notable change in snack sales in America has been driven by shifts in consumer eating habits

Specifically, the emergence of Millennials as regular consumers in the snack sector has brought numerous changes, not only in demand but also in pricing. With the increasing use of social networks, the internet, and apps, people are more informed about what they eat and how products are processed.

Young Americans, in particular, appreciate ethnic foods, experiment with new ingredients, and are well-informed about the properties of foods and their preparations. As a result, there is a growing prevalence of products containing spices or ingredients from distant or atypical regions, like Latin America, Asia, and India, Avocado, quinoa, ginger, and turmeric have nearly become stables for this demographic.

American Millennials also pay close attention to the ingredient list, avoiding palm oil or chemical additives, and preferring organic or vegan products.

This shift in eating habits has influenced not only food products themselves, but also restaurants, which now offer gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options to meet these demands.

The Most Popular Snacks in the United States

Given the significant changes in people's eating habits, especially among the youth, numerous companies have emerged producing healthier snacks made with more refined materials. Faced with healthier options like red lentils, quinoa, and other grains, potato chips have become an item to avoid for many consumers in the United States.

Snacks gaining popularity are often made with different types of flours, frequently whole grain, and processed sustainably. Certifications on food product labels and sustainable ingredients and production methods are becoming increasingly important. Snacks must not only be tasty and healthy but also produced with respect for the environment.

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