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The growth of the nail care sector in the U.S. cosmetics industry

Why the demand for nail care products (gel, semipermanent polish, nail art) has grown in America

In America, nail care is a thriving market and a primary need of the younger generation of American consumers. This niche in the U.S. cosmetics industry is estimated at $2.7 billion and will become increasingly profitable as the years go by. Currently, the U.S. holds a 24.12% market share, preceded by the APAC region (39.34%) and followed by a wide margin by Europe (7.09%), and credit for this prestigious position within the Beauty landscape can be attributed to at least three factors. The driving forces behind the growth of the nail cosmetics industry in America are or were:

The segments with the most significant room for growth are nail art and nail skincare, a cosmetic trend that originated in the U.S.

The sector with the greatest room for growth in the U.S. market is nail art, a niche in the cosmetics industry that fashion brands and celebrities have turned into a hot trend throughout the United States. One only has to open TikTok to be overwhelmed by nail design creations inspired by catwalks and fashion magazine photo campaigns. The ubiquity of smartphones, as well as the massive use of social media in the U.S., have now had a decisive impact on the buying habits of young American consumers, who nowadays just want to live and express themselves.

Another growing phenomenon in the United States is nail "skinification": the addition of active ingredients used during skincare into nail care products, such as peptides, ceramides and hyaluronic acid. In the nail industry, the desire to purchase products that improve the appearance of the hands also makes sense at a time of solid growth in nail art. After all, it is imperative to have healthy, hard nails for nail art to adhere; consequently, the trends of skinification and decoration go hand in hand in America.

Market segmentation of nail care products

Where to sell nail art and nail care cosmetics in the USA

The best investment areas for selling nail products in America are New York and California. As in many industries in the U.S., shutdowns due to Covid have forced nail professionals to experiment with self-employment. If this niche of the cosmetic industry was initially disadvantaged, now the situation has changed for the better. As a result, there are now at least two targets to which international manufacturers can sell their nail care goods: salons and independent nail artists who need to create valuable content on social media to expand their business. Last but not least for those who want to enter the U.S. market are the end consumers, especially young Gen Z.

In short, nail product sales are expected to increase in the U.S., driven partly by social media and partly by the inclusion of hand care in the consumers' beauty routine. The category has high potential in terms of supply differentiation and marketability, so all that is left is identifying one's target market and developing products that resonate with the conscious and latent demand of the U.S. public.

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