In a recent study, 43% of SMBs said that digital payments are more important to their business now than before the COVID-19 pandemic. As SMBs begin to recover, 38% report an increase in sales since the beginning of the pandemic, and fewer SMBs are experiencing a decrease in sales (38% in 2021 vs. 47% in 2020). However, as with any new technology, there are cons, both literal and figurative. Consumer demand is driving usage, but there’s a divide between Gen Z users and Boomers. For the latter, ease of use is a paramount consideration. More tech-savvy (read: younger) users expect constant availability, and a transparent payment process. And in both cases, fraud is a constant concern. When rushing to complete your transaction, it’s easy to overlook the myriad ways in which your data can be compromised. Buyer beware!
E-commerce trends and developments in the United States
How to sell on AMAZON.COM in the United States of America
Amazon is the leading e-commerce platform for selling all kinds of products, regardless of their origin, shape or size in the United States. Selling your products on Amazon means establishing your company in the biggest mall of America.