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Opening a Company in Wisconsin: LLC or Corporation

To open a company in Wisconsin, you must complete three actions: choose a Name and Registered Agent, and file the Articles of Incorporation.

  1. Choosing the company's name. The first step in forming a company in Wisconsin is to name it. The chosen name must comply with WI Statute § 181.401, which states that the company's name may not include words such as "limited liability company" or "LLC" because opening LLCs in Wisconsin is subject to a different procedure than Corporations. It is necessary to prepare the Articles of Organization and the Operating Agreement and declare whether it is a Member-managed LLC or a Manager-managed LLC.
  2. Appoint a Registered Agent by WI Statute § 180.0501, who must have a physical address in Wisconsin, maintain regular business hours (from 9:00 to 17:00), and agree to receive and promptly forward mail on behalf of the company.
  3. File the Articles of Incorporation with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions [This document can be filed online or by mail.] The minimum information required includes:
    - The company's name
    - The number of shares for which authorization is requested from the Wisconsin Secretary of State
    - The name and address of the Registered Agent
    - The name and address of the Incorporator for Wisconsin.

Holding the First Organizational Meeting

The company opening phase in Wisconsin concludes with the receipt of the Articles of Incorporation certified by the Secretary of State. The next step is to convene the first Organizational Meeting [which does not necessarily have to take place in Wisconsin] as provided by WI Statute § 180.0205 (2019). The organizational meeting is the company's official act after it has been legally established with the state. At this meeting:

Annual Report Filing

In Wisconsin, companies must file an annual administrative report with the Secretary of State.

When is the Wisconsin Annual Report due?
The Report must be filed on one of the four annual deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31, depending on the quarter of the year the company was opened.

State Corporate Income Taxation in Wisconsin

Wisconsin's tax rate for corporate incomes is a flat 7.9%. If your company has gross revenues over $4 million per year, it is also subject to the "Economic Development Surcharge." This additional tax in Wisconsin is levied at a flat rate of 3% of the gross tax due with a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $9800.

The sales tax in Wisconsin is 5%, with the possibility of a maximum local surcharge of 0.6%.

The Wisconsin Economy at a Glance

In 2022, Wisconsin's GDP was $401,791,500,000, with a 9% increase from the state GDP recorded in 2021. Wisconsin has a strong manufacturing tradition, especially in the components of industrial goods, machinery, and mechanical sectors, making it a prime destination for companies intending to produce in America, also thanks to state programs incentivizing foreign investments in the state.

The unemployment rate in Wisconsin in 2022 was 3.3%

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