Prior to the search, in-depth meetings are held between ExportUSA and the producing company in order to understand the uses and functions of the product.
Initial BriefingThe distributor can take care of logistics, or, as an alternative you may choose to rely on an external logistics center. ExportUSA also offers this service through its own logistics center in Dayton, Ohio.
Who takes care of logistics?Yes. This service is included among those that can be financed by SIMEST with the incentive of a percentage in the form of a grant as well.
Are there any incentives that cover the cost of this service?Before beginning the actual search, a rapid market analysis is conducted in order to get a sense of the project’s feasibility.
Preliminary AnalysisNo, that will be the job of the distributor or of your American branch.
Does ExportUSA also handle importation of products?ExportUSA reviews all communications materials, from brochures to the website, in order to ensure that the translation and language are correct.
Review of CommunicationIn theory yes, but in practice, before accepting the task, we conduct a rapid preliminary analysis to verify the realistic likelihood of success.
Is the program for finding a distributor suitable for any kind of product?A sales pitch is prepared, to be used when presenting the company and its product.
Preparation of Sales PitchThis depends on the product, but it takes at least six months.
How long does it take to find a distributor?The search begins and after the first three to four contacts are made a report of the initial results is prepared, according to which the sales pitch is adjusted.
Start of SearchA long-distance course is conducted in order to prepare you to handle e-mails and presentations in American business English. Aside from the English language itself, aspects of American business etiquette are also covered.
Course in American “Business” English