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Proposition 65 to sell in California

A law that requires additional retrofitting of products for sale in California

California has a law that requires companies selling in the state to include a warning on the label about the hazardous nature of any chemical substances/compounds within the product. This is Proposition 65 lists about 1,000 substances that require health safety warnings for American consumers. The warning covers exposure to substances known to cause cancer or reproductive issues and must be "clear and reasonable." It is also mandatory to be in compliance with Proposition 65 when selling in California via e-commerce.

Selling in the United States: Revising labels to be FDA and Proposition 65 compliant

Proposition 65 to sell in California provides two forms of warning:

While it would apply only to products with small packaging, the abbreviated warning has since been extended to all products. A proposal was recently put forward to require that at least one harmful substance also be indicated in the short-form warning: for the time being, that proposal has been rejected or at least postponed, so there is currently no change on what needs to be done to make products for sale in California compliant with Proposition 65.

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