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How to sell with Amazon in the USA: Opening a store on Amazon in the US

People who subscribe to Amazon do so with only one purpose: to buy products online

How to open an Amazon store to sell in the United States

Opening a store on Amazon USA with ExportUSA is the quickest method for selling in the US and for offering your products on the US market

The figures of Amazon and of online sales in the United States of America for 2018

  • Amazon sales: $207 billion [+16%]
  • Total number of employees: 647,00
  • Unique website visitors: 206 million
  • Number of subscribers in the US: over 310 million
  • Percentage of consumers who have purchased on Amazon at least once in the US: 84%
  • B2C online retail sales: over $518 billion [+15%]
  • Of which: by smartphone over $156.28 billon [mcommerce]
  • B2B online sales: $1,100 billion Online Amazon sales on
  • Thanksgiving Day in 2016: $9.36 billion

Source: ExportUSA processing of Census.gov data

Amazon is the successful e-        commerce platform for the online  sales of all types of products. It is  actually the largest online [and  today also physical] shopping  mall in the world 

Being present on Amazon.com in the US is by now a "must" that any company that wants to sell in the United States cannot   renounce. It should however be kept in mind that there are some minimum requirements for selling your products with Amazon, whether they are intangible products - such as software, videogames or electronic books - or physical products.

Opening a company in the United  States

It is no longer necessary to open a company in the United States  to sell with Amazon in the US.

Opening a Bank Account in the US

Likewise, it is no longer necessary to open a bank account in the US. There are solutions that allow you to sell on Amazon in the   USA and to receive the income from sales made in the US on your bank account in your native country.

Taking out a Product Liability Insurance Policy

It is no longer necessary to have a product liability insurance policy either, which is also an essential prerequisite for selling on Amazon. If you would in any case like to take out a product liability insurance policy, it is much more convenient if the insurance company underwriting the risk is American [for obvious reasons in the case of disputes]. It is a form of coverage that the US insurance companies underwrite only with companies established under US law.

ExportUSA's services for opening a store on Amazon and selling in the United States of America

In addition to looking after all the steps necessary for the formation of the company crucial to be able start the online sales activity on Amazon.com, ExportUSA also offers the following export services:

Opening a store on Amazon in the US is not only a way to sell online

An Amazon Store also has strategic marketing value for introducing your products in the US market

Warehouse logistics AmazonSelling in the United States through the traditional distribution channels [large-scale retail, importers, dealers, sales agencies, agents and representatives] is a strategy that demands planning and investments that must be preceded by appropriate market research aimed at understanding which products are the best suited for the US market and what their possible positioning is.

With a store on Amazon, you have the opportunity to conduct market research in the US in the field as you can experiment with the product's price, promotion and offering directly and with direct contact with the US customers. Moreover, with a store on Amazon you have the chance to gain visibility with the buyers of the traditional distribution chain and present your product to a broader public.

Selling duty free in the US

Exemption from paying duty on imports into the United States of America for shipments whose value does not exceed $800

Shipments of a value under $800 can now be imported duty free into the United States. Since the 'de minimis fair trade value' has been updated from $200 to $800, now you can export to the US duty free provided that the value of the shipment is under $800. This new US customs rule/procedures for clearing imports through customs encourages online sales also because in addition to the exemption from paying duty, it entails a simplified customs procedure for clearing imports having a value under $800 through customs in the US.

ExportUSA has developed a line of services supporting companies that want to take advantage of this opportunity to sell in the US online with e-commerce and with the opening of a store on Amazon. You can find all the details on this page of our website: https://www.exportusa.us/vendere-stati-uniti-senza-dazio.php

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