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Many products imported into the United States of America require the payment of tariffs. Most goods are imported with no tariff, but there are significant differences that vary according to the type of merchandise. Some items (usually high-tech goods) are particolarly hard to classify, others require special care while clearing customs (this is the case for shoes, for example).

There are three types of customs tariffs

To find what the duties applied by the American customs are, one must check the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, the databade that classified imported merchandise according to its customs code. This code is composed by 10 digits; the first 4 represent the macrocategory, while the other indicate the various types of products within that category. If the item is not included in the table one can contact the US Customs Service and present customs documentation including a detailed description of the goods, their internded use, the costs and percentage of the materials used as well as a sample of the import. If some of the required information is still missing at the time of the arrival of the goods it is possible to make an estimate of the dues and reconcile the payment within 15 months.

In addition to the dulie mentioned above, antidumping tariffs also exist (dumping indicated the practice of selling goods abroad at a lower price than in the country of origin). In the United States of America this kind of tariff is set by the International Trade Commission, which ensures equal treatment for importers and firms in the United States of America. Moreover, imports are subject sales taxes and the Harbor Maintenance Fee, equal to 0.125% of the value of the goods (to be paid at entry).

ExportUSA offers exporters services that include revision and analysis of the customs classification for those products to be imported to the United States of America. The aim is to find the best customs code to import into the United States of America without risking that the goods be blocked at the border and know in advance what the tariffs applied by the US customs will be.