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List of countries that have a double tax treaty with the United States


Country Treaty with the USA 
Algeria No
Angola No
Benin No
Botswana No
Burkina Faso No
Burundi No
Côte d'Ivoire No
Cape Verde No
Cameroon No
Central African Rep. No
Chad No
Comoros No
Congo No
Dem. Rep. Congo No
Dijbouti No
Egypt Yes
Guinea No
Guinea-Bissau No
Equatorial Guinea No
Eritrea No
Ethopia No
Gabon No
Gambia No
Ghana No
Kenya No
Lesotho No
Liberia No
Libya No
Madagascar No
Malawi No
Mali No
Mauritania No
Mauritius No
Morocco Yes
Mozambique No
Namibia No
Niger No
Nigeria No
Rwanda No
Sao Tome and Principe No
Senegal No
Seychelles No
Sierra Leone No
Somalia No
South Africa Yes
Sudan No
Swaziland No
Tanzania No
Togo No
Tunisia Yes
Uganda No
Zambia No
Zimbabwe No


Country Treaty with the USA
Afghanistan No
Armenia Yes
Azerbaijan Yes
Bahrain No
Bangladesh Yes
Bhutah No
Brunei No
Cambodia No
China Yes
Georgia Yes
India Yes
Indonesia Yes
Iran No
Iraq No
Israel Yes
Japan Yes
Jordan No
Kazakhstan Yes
Kuwait No
Kyrgyzstan Yes
Laos No
Lebanon No
Malaysia No
Maldives No
Mongolia No
Myanmar (Burma) No
Nepal No
North Korea No
Oman No
Pakistan Yes
Philippines Yes
Qatar No
Russia Yes
Saudi Arabia No
Singapore No
South Korea Yes
Sri Lanka Yes
Syria No
Tajikistan Yes
Thailand Yes
Timor-Leste (East Timor) No
Turkey Yes
Turkmenistan Yes
United Arab Emirates No
Uzbekistan Yes
Vietman No
Yemen No

Australia and Oceania

Country Treaty with the USA
Australia Yes
Fiji Islands No
Kiribati No
Marshall Islands No
Micronesia No
Nauru No
New Zealand Yes
Palau No
Papua New Guinea No
Samoa No
Solomon Islands No
Tonga No
Tuvalu No
Vanuatu No


Country Treaty with the USA
Albania No
Andorra No
Austria Yes
Belarus Yes
Belgium Yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina No
Bulgaria Yes
Croatia No
Cipro Yes
Czech Republic Yes
Denmark Yes
Estonia Yes
Finland Yes
France Yes
Germany Yes
Greece Yes
Hungary Yes
Iceland Yes
Ireland Yes
Italy Yes
Kosovo No
Latvia Yes
Liechtenstein No
Lithuania Yes
Luxemburg Yes
Macedonia No
Malta No
Moldavia Yes
Monaco No
Montenegro No
Netherlands Yes
Norway Yes
Poland Yes
Portugal Yes
Romania Yes
Russia Yes
San Marino No
Serbia No
Slovakia Yes
Slovenia Yes
Spain Yes
Sweden Yes
Switzerland Yes
Turkey Yes
Ucraine Yes
United Kingdom Yes
Vatican City No

North-Central America

Country Treaty with the USA
Antigua and Barbuda No
Bahamas No
Barbados Yes
Belize No
Canada Yes
Costa Rica No
Cuba No
Dominica No
Dominican Republic No
El Salvador No
Grenada No
Guatemala No
Haiti No
Honduras No
Jamaica Yes
Mexico Yes
Nicaragua No
Panama No
Saint Kitts and Nevis No
Saint Lucia No
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines No
Trinidad e Tobago Yes

South America

Country Treaty with the USA
Argentina No
Bolivia No
Brazil No
Chile No
Colombia No
Ecuador No
Guyana No
Paraguay No
Peru No
Suriname No
Uruguay No
Venezuela Yes

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ExportUSA handles the accounting for all types of American companies and all types of businesses. In addition to bookkeeping, we prepare and present end-of-year income statements as well as quarterly [or monthly, depending] sales tax statements.
