Export Services
Opening a company in the USA
ExportUSA opens US incorporated companies in all of the United States. We can open both LLCs and corporations
https://www.exportusa.eu/opening-a-company-exportusa.phpYou should view the cost of registering a trademark in the United States first as insurance against disruptive actions by competitors and second as an investment. As your brand becomes more commercially established in America, it becomes increasingly essential to proceed with registration. As your company begins to operate in the United States of America, it is easy to overlook the importance of registering your trademark in the United States.
It is something you should do right away before your competitors do. The "real-life" story shown in the sidebar exemplifies in a simple way what the consequences of not registering your trademark in America can be. This page illustrates in a very practical way what concrete steps you need to take to register your company's trademark or product in the United States. We do not go into legal analysis on trademarks and patents in America; there are law firm pages that already do that. Our purpose, as always, is to give practical guidance to Italian companies that want to enter the United States of America successfully.
In this case, the trademark application is granted on a temporary basis, so to speak, and within six months it is confirmed following proof of use in commerce in the United States. Proof of use takes the form of evidence of participation in trade fairs, printing catalogs for the American market, advertisements, etc.
This is the case of companies that after opening a corporation in America began to operate actively by attending trade shows, selling to distributors and retailers, finding representatives and whatnot. You can register the trademark whenever you see fit.
A concrete and direct example of a dispute over the use in commerce of a trademark in the U.S. This is a true story that unfortunately happened to us at ExportUSA. At the end of August 2016, we received a letter from a "bottom feeder" who said they had registered the trademark "ExportUSA" and instructed us to stop using it ourselves. Given the notoriety of our trademark, especially on the web, you can imagine what it would mean to give up using our trademark in commerce. We had actually attempted to register the trademark "ExportUSA" but were told it was not registrable because it was too generic. In any case, we contacted the law firm specializing in trademark registration for the United States that we usually work with. We could prove that the use of our trademark was before that claimed by those who had tried, and so we eliminated the threat. At the same time we registered the trademark, with other ways of application, in the supplemental register. Well, lesson learned. We tell our story here so that it may be a warning to all companies that want to enter the United States to start selling in America. |
In America, a trademark is protected merely by being used in commerce. If you use one of your trademarks in commerce in the United States, the mere fact that you have used it makes you its owner. It guarantees its protection against third parties [we are talking about trademarks that are registrable and not already owned by others].
Trademark registration makes it easier to to protect your trademark against competitors in the U.S. market because it makes it official and public that your brand is registered for America.
Before applying for trademark registration, the first thing is to do a search to see if the trademark you intend to register for use in the United States is free [i.e., not already registered by others] and registrable.
Trademark registration in America must be done by classes of use. In other words, you have to state for which classes of service or product you intend to register the trademark. If you are a fashion company, it is useful to register the trademark in the class corresponding to "women's clothing" for example. It is also helpful to register the trademark for classes "adjacent" to the class corresponding to the main activity so as to have the maximum possible coverage.
Within six years from the date of registration of the trademark for America, you must confirm its use in commerce. Trademark registration lasts for ten years. Starting from the ninth year, you can apply for trademark registration renewal.
A trademark for the United States can be the name of a company or product, or the name and the logo, which is an image that represents the trademark. The logo can be the graphic image of the word constituting the trademark or it can be any image. You can register a black and white logo or you can register a color logo. If the registration is for a color logo, you open yourself up to the possibility that others may register the same logo in America but in different colors. It is a good idea to register the logo in both color and black and white.
Trademark registration for the United States of America is handled by a federal agency: the USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Trademarks that are sufficiently distinctive and unique are registered in the principal trademark registry and acquire the maximum protection in commerce in the United States.
Trademarks that do not have such characteristics of uniqueness [e.g., trademarks that are surnames or trademarks that are names of geographical locations] can only be registered in the supplementary trademark database, which does provide protection but not as full as that provided by the main database. Registration in the supplementary register still allows you to object in case others want to register the same mark in the same classes or object to your company's use of the mark.
In this way, Italian companies that want to patent the result of their research activities or their inventions in America can always do so through the USPTO. Likewise, one can protect songs, videos, software, writings and even ideas and applications of ideas in the most diverse fields and be granted commercial protection in America. Beyond protection against infringement, copying or unfair exploitation by third parties, patents and copyrights offer the possibility of licensing use in exchange for royalties.
It should be noted that the information in this article in no way constitutes legal opinion or professional advice, but merely general information of informative nature.
ExportUSA opens US incorporated companies in all of the United States. We can open both LLCs and corporations
https://www.exportusa.eu/opening-a-company-exportusa.phpBranding Services for the American Market: ExportUSA adapts, or {re}adapts your product and prepares it for the American market